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17.3.2025 Changelog4 Author: Operator


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· Ustabilizowano damage z broni aby ograniczyc rozstrzal damage. Teraz gracze zadaja bardziej stale wartosci zaleznie od skilla, levela i broni.
· Poprawiono błędy na mapie
· Trwaja prace odnośnie expa za zabojstwa graczy (z pewnymi ograniczeniami)
· Trwaja prace odnosnie nowych czarow, contentu i ekwipunku dla graczy z rebornami.
· Wprowadzono 10 sekundowe exhaused na każdą komendę
· Od teraz widać ile % max many lub hp dają przedmioty normalnie w opisie
· Usprawniono system PVP. Od teraz graczy z maksymalna różnicą 100 leveli otrzymują doświadczenie za zabicie innego gracza
· Zmieniono wygląd czarów dla RP (Exevo Hunter i Exevo San)
· Magic level i skille nie spadają po śmierci (spada tylko level, ilość utraconego doświadczenia zależy od tego czy posiadamy bless czy jednak go nie mamy)
· Cały czas trwają prace nad nowym ekwipunkiem dla graczy z reborn jak i nad questami na te przedmioty
· Exp Pig daje teraz stałe poziomy
· Poprawiono healing Knighta z Mythica uh o 20%
· Zwiększono zasięg czarów obszarowych paladyna i knighta
· Usunięto "zwykłe" potwory (rotwormy itd.) z boosted monsters aby gracze w pelni mogli korzystać z bonusów danego dnia
· Zaktualizowano quest room (już niedługo pojawią się działające teleporty na questy)
· Zablokowano wejście na Bossy Lost City  które zostaną przebudowane na Battle Arena do momentu wprowadzenia reworku (prawdopodobnie do jutra)
Drobne poprawki wizualne w temple
· W pełni skończony Reborn Ekwipunek (pozostało dokończyć questy)
· Zmieniono level wymagany na questy od 1.5k (aktualnie 1.3k)
· Usunieto death damage z broni ktory nie dzialal na graczy zastepujac zwyklym damagem
· Wiecej informacji juz niebawem!


· Stabilized weapon damage to limit the damage spread. Players now deal more consistent amounts based on skill, level, and weapon.
· Fixed bugs on the map
· Work is underway on player kill exp (with some restrictions)
· Work is underway on new spells, content, and gear for reborn players.
· Introduced 10 second exhaused for each command
· From now on you can see how much % max mana or hp items give normally in the description
· Improved PVP system. From now, players with a maximum difference of 100 levels receive experience for killing another player
· Changed the appearance of spells for RP (Exevo Hunter and Exevo San)
· Magic level and skills do not loss after death (only the level drops, the amount of experience lost depends on whether we have a bless or not)
· Work is still underway on new equipment for reborn players as well as quests for these items
· Exp Pig now gives stable levels
· Improved healing of Mythic Knight uh by 20%
· Increased the range of Paladin and Knight area spells
· Removed "normal" monsters (rotworms etc.) from boosted monsters so players can fully use the bonuses of the day
· Updated quest room (working teleports for quests will appear soon)
· Blocked entrance to Lost City Bosses which will be rebuilt into Battle Arena until the rework is implemented (probably tomorrow)
· Minor visual improvements in temple
· Fully finished Reborn Equipment (quests left to finish)
· Changed level requirement for quests from 1.5k (currently 1.3k)
· Removed death damage from weapons that don't affect players, replacing it with normal damage
· More info coming soon!







8.3.2025 Changelog3 Author: Operator

· Z powodów technicznych musieliśmy zmienić wygląd i ID Full Staminer'a i Loot Wand'a. Przedmioty same się zamienią.
· Full Staminer > Full Stamina Book (client id: 12576)(dodatkowo już się łączy)
· Loot Wand nie zmienił nazwy (client id: 12413)
· Od dzisiejszego restartu, KAŻDY reborn dostaje dodatkowe HP/MANA na poziom (więcej informacji na REBORN)

· Due to technical reasons, we had to change the look and ID of Full Staminer and Loot Wand. The items will swap themselves.
· Full Staminer > Full Stamina Book (client id: 12576)(additionally, it already stackable)
· Loot Wand has not changed its name (client id: 12413)
· As of today's restart, EVERY reborn gets extra HP/MANA per level (more information on REBORN)

· Por razones técnicas, hemos tenido que cambiar el aspecto y el ID de Full Staminer y Loot Wand. Los objetos se intercambiarán solos.
· Full Staminer > Full Stamina Book (id de cliente: 12576)(además, ya es apilable)
· Loot Wand no ha cambiado de nombre (id de cliente: 12413)
· A partir da reinicialização de hoje, TODOS os renascidos recebem HP/MANA extra por nível (mais informações sobre REBORN)







24.2.2025 Changelog2 Author: Operator

· Dodano broadcast dla rozpoczęcia i zakończenia World Boosta
· Dodano broadcast do pobicia rekordu graczy online
· Zablokowano możliwość używania 6h Stamina Dolla jak ma się więcej niż 36h staminy
· Zablokowano możliwość wylogowywania się w strefie craftowania
· Wprowadzono AFK Hunting System (nagrody które można pozyskać w screenie poniżej, niebawem powstanie cały opis na stronie. broń potrzebną do korzystania z tego można pozyskać z questa, który znajduje się w quest roomie. Będą 3 stage polowania AFK. Pierwszy poziom jest juz dostępny i pozwala na zdobycie przedmiotów. Drugi poziom - pozyskujesz exp . Trzeci poziom - pozyskujesz exp + przedmioty). Potwory do huncenia AFK znajduja się z lewej strony temple. Gracze bez donatora mogą używać go raz na 10min, zaś gracze z donatorem raz na 7 min.
· Osłabiono SSD

· Added broadcast for the start and end of World Boost
· Added broadcast for breaking the online player record
· Blocked the ability to use 6h Stamina Doll if you have more than 36h of stamina
· Blocked the ability to log out in the crafting zone
· Introduced AFK Hunting System (rewards that can be obtained in the screenshot below, a full description will be created on the website soon, the weapon needed to use it can be obtained from a quest located in the quest room. There will be 3 stages of AFK hunting. The first level is already available and allows you to obtain items. The second level - you gain exp. The third level - you gain exp + items). Monsters for AFK hunting are located on the left side of the temple. Players without a donor can use it once every 10 minutes, and players with a donor once every 7 minutes.
· Weakened SSD

· Adicionada transmissão para o início e fim do World Boost
· Adicionada transmissão para quebrar o recorde de jogadores online
· Bloqueou a capacidade de usar a Boneca de Stamina de 6h se você tiver mais de 36h de Stamina
· Bloqueou a capacidade de sair da zona de criação
· O Sistema de Caça AFK foi introduzido (recompensas que podem ser obtidas na captura de tela abaixo, uma descrição completa será criada no site em breve, a arma necessária para usá-lo pode ser obtida em uma missão localizada na sala de missões. Haverá 3 estágios de caça AFK. O primeiro nível já está disponível e permite que você obtenha itens. O segundo nível - você obtém exp. O terceiro nível - você obtém exp + itens). Monstros AFK para caçar estão localizados no lado esquerdo do templo. Jogadores sem doador podem usá-lo uma vez a cada 10 minutos, enquanto jogadores com doador podem usá-lo uma vez a cada 7 minutos.
· SSD enfraquecido







13.2.2025 Start 22.02.2025 20:00! Author: Hide

WE START 22.02.2025 AT 20:00! is a server that redefines the concept of an epic adventure!
Enter a world full of magic, powerful opponents and endless development opportunities. 
Prepare for a new chapter in which you write your own story!

What awaits you?

✅ Free points for every player - collect them 30 minutes after the start and use them for initial reinforcements!
✅ Guild points - meet the requirements, get bonuses and fight for domination in the world of Mythica together with your team!
✅ Giveaways on our Discord - sometime You can win a lot premium points! Don't miss this opportunity! 
✅Unique gameplay systems, including:

✏️ An extensive system of tasks and missions that will be a challenge even for the best.
✏️ Daily events where you can win valuable prizes.
✏️ A balanced economy that ensures fair competition.
✏️ Skill bonuses and dynamic PvP systems that will provide emotions at the highest level! 

What makes Mythica stand out?

✏️ The server was created with players in mind - we focus on stability, no lags and gameplay balance.
✏️ A well-thought-out map full of secrets, hidden locations and amazing places to discover.
✏️ Daily changing boosted monsters and special bosses with unique rewards.
✏️ Gameplay for everyone - both casual players and those looking for hardcore challenges.
✏️ Reborn System - Perform reborns to become stronger.
✏️ Afk Stamina - You can regenerate stamina by training or standing in a temple (If you have a donator island access you recover it more faster!)
✏️ Weekend Bonus - every weekend you get more experience and skills!
✏️ More convenient autoloot system - now you can add items to autoloot much faster.
✏️ World boost - at any time you can buy 2x exp/loot/skill boost per hour for the entire server!
✏️ Prizes for players who will be in the top 3 a month after the start!
✏️ Lots of events - with us you don't have time to be bored
✏️ Dungeon System - complete dungeons alone or with a team to win rewards
✏️ Daily boss system - Want to get unique gear? Take part in boss fights!

✅ Join us 22 February at 8:00 PM and start your epic adventure! 
✅ Register now at and get ready for the start!


Demon outcast
Demon outcast
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