Alley shambler
General information | |||
Health: 270000 Experience: 85000 Speed: 193 (+haste) |
Summonable: Impossible Convinceable: Impossible |
Armor: 165 Defense: 150 |
Summons | Voices |
8% chance to summon a hellfire fighter |
"Worship Zathroth pathetic mortal!" "Your soul will be mine!" "ASHES TO ASHES!" "YOU WILL ALL BURN!" "THE DAY OF RECKONING IS AT HAND!" "BOW TO THE POWER OF THE RUTHLESS SEVEN!" |
Elements and Immunities |
Immunities: energy | fire | poison | lifedrain | paralyze | invisible |
Loot |
100 100 100 100 10 15 7 20 10 15 5 |
Status: | |
Players: | 51 |
Accounts: | 316 |
Characters: | 505 |