Newbie Longbow |
(Atk:55, Def:30) | 8 |
Proca |
(Atk:63, Def:30) | 8 |
Crafted Sniper Bow |
(Atk:80, Def:32) | 8 |
Forgotten Crossbow |
(Atk:83, Def:35, critical hit chance +2%, critical extra damage +5%, hitpoints leech chance +1%, hitpoints leech amount +3%, manapoints leech chance +1%, mana points leech amount +4%) | 400 |
Proca Tropiciela |
(Atk:80, Def:25) | 600 |
Crafted Hunter Bow |
(Atk:90, Def:35) | 600 |
Wyrzutnia Lowcy |
(Atk:92, Def:30) | 1000 |
Crafted Hunter Crossbow |
(Atk:98, Def:33) | 1000 |
Legendary Bow |
(Atk:102, Def:30) +15% death damage |
1500 |
Crafted Shooter Crossbow |
(Atk:110, Def:35) +15% death damage |
1500 |
Hellforged Shooter Bow |
(Atk:120, Def:35) +20% death damage |
2300 |
Newbie Longsword |
(Atk:59, Def:42) | 8 |
Miecz Gladiatora |
(Atk:63, Def:45) | 8 |
Crafted Gladiator Sword |
(Atk:67, Def:49) | 8 |
Forgotten Sword |
(Atk:71, Def:52, critical hit chance +2%, critical extra damage +5%, hitpoints leech chance +3%, hitpoints leech amount +4%, manapoints leech chance +2%, mana points leech amount +3%) | 400 |
Demoniczny Miecz |
(Atk:70, Def:51, sword fighting +3) | 600 |
Crafted Knight Sword |
(Atk:73, Def:52, sword fighting +4) | 600 |
Miecz Barbarzyncy |
(Atk:76, Def:52, protection physical +1%, fire +1%, ice +1%, death +1%) sword fighting +4 |
1000 |
Crafted Barbarian Sword |
(Atk:78 physical + 10 death, Def:65, protection all +1%) sword fighting +5 |
1000 |
Legendary Sword |
(Atk:80 physical + 15 death, Def:70, protection all +2%) sword fighting +6 |
1500 |
Crafted Fighter Sword |
(Atk:85 physical + 20 death, Def:70, protection all +3%) sword fighting +7 |
1500 |
Hellforged Sword |
(Atk:90 physical + 25 death, Def:70, protection all +4%) sword fighting +8 |
2300 |
Newbie Maimer |
(Atk:59, Def:42) | 8 |
Obuch Gladiatora |
(Atk:63, Def:45) | 8 |
Crafted Gladiator Mace |
(Atk:67, Def:49) | 8 |
Forgotten Club |
(Atk:71, Def:52, critical hit chance +2%, critical extra damage +5%, hitpoints leech chance +3%, hitpoints leech amount +4%, manapoints leech chance +2%, mana points leech amount +3%) | 400 |
Demoniczny Obuch |
(Atk:70, Def:51) club fighting +3 |
600 |
Crafted Knight Mace |
(Atk:73, Def:52) club fighting +4 |
600 |
Obuch Barbarzyncy |
(Atk:76, Def:52, protection physical +1%, fire +1%, ice +1%, death +1%) club fighting +4 |
1000 |
Crafted Barbarian Club |
(Atk:78 physical + 10 death, Def:65, protection all +1%) club fighting +5 |
1000 |
Legendary Club |
(Atk:80 physical + 15 death, Def:70, protection all +2%) club fighting +6 |
1500 |
Crafted Fighter Club |
(Atk:85 physical + 20 death, Def:70, protection all +3%) club fighting +7 |
1500 |
Hellforged Club |
(Atk:90 physical + 25 death, Def:70, protection all +4%) club fighting +8 |
2300 |
Newbie Hatchet |
(Atk:59, Def:42) | 8 |
Topor Gladiatora |
(Atk:63, Def:45) | 8 |
Crafted Gladiator Axe |
(Atk:67, Def:49) | 8 |
Forgotten Axe |
(Atk:71, Def:52, critical hit chance +2%, critical extra damage +5%, hitpoints leech chance +3%, hitpoints leech amount +4%, manapoints leech chance +2%, mana points leech amount +3%) | 400 |
Demoniczny Topor |
(Atk:70, Def:51) axe fighting +3 |
600 |
Crafted Knight Axe |
(Atk:73, Def:52) axe fighting +4 |
600 |
Topor Barbarzyncy |
(Atk:76, Def:52, protection physical +1%, fire +1%, ice +1%, death +1%) axe fighting +4 |
1000 |
Crafted Barbarian Axe |
(Atk:78 physical + 10 death, Def:65, protection all +1%) axe fighting +5 |
1000 |
Legendary Axe |
(Atk:80 physical + 15 death, Def:70, protection all +2%) axe fighting +6 |
1500 |
Crafted Fighter Axe |
(Atk:85 physical + 20 death, Def:70, protection all +3%) axe fighting +7 |
1500 |
Hellforged Axe |
(Atk:90 physical + 25 death, Def:70, protection all +4%) axe fighting +8 |
2300 |
Newbie Rod |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 8 |
Rozdzka Nowicjusza |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 8 |
Crafted Mage Wand |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 8 |
Forgotten Wand |
(magic damage percent +1%, manapoints leech chance +2%, mana points leech amount +2%, magic level +1) | 400 |
Krysztalowa Rozdzka |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 600 |
Crafted Wizard Staff |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 600 |
Eteryczna Rozdzka |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 1000 |
Crafted Ferumbras Wand |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 1000 |
Legendarna Rozdzka |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 1500 |
Crafted Wizard Wand |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 1500 |
Hellforged Wizard Wand |
sorcerers, master sorcerers, druids, elder druids, witchers, warlocks, priests and shamans | 2300 |
Status: | |
Players: | 15 |
Accounts: | 414 |
Characters: | 645 |